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PPV(Pay Per View)

PPV is one of the purchasing methods for papers in journals to which the library does not subscribe, used as well as Transaction.

〇 Budget for each teacher is about $ 850 USD (110,500 yen).

To purchase with PPV, use a corporate card of the university with a personal name (or a personal card).

After purchasing with PPV, send a document (invoice, etc.) attached to an email to the library( shows the amount of money spent.
* Be sure to fill in the subject line as “[PPV] Purchase of foreign academic journals 

Electronic books are not eligible for this system.

  Please contact us for a purchase request.

After checking the e-mail, the library will inform the user of the balance ($) after purchase.

The corporate card can be used from April to February of the following year (because processing for March is not possible within the fiscal year).
Please purchase using a personal card in March. Payment is made using the same procedure as with cash purchases at the library and is made through the Finance Division.
Please be aware that exchange differences may occur at this time. Please leave a fraction of your budget to the office.
When purchasing with PPV, please contact the library by e-mail regardless of your budget. The data will be aggregated and used as a material for reviewing future purchases of foreign academic journals.
For PPV purchases paid by KAKENHI other than university budget, enter "[PPV] (Separate budget) Purchase of foreign academic journals" in the subject line and contact the library by e-mail. In this case, please submit a procurement invoice to the Finance Division.
Please refrain from purchasing papers by PPV from journals to which the university subscribes. For the journals with subscription contracts, please check “Journal Search” on the library website.

Please pay attention to the above and appreciate the PPV service.
